Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well it's official

As of yesterday(2.28.12), I am leaving on May 15 from LAX at 9:45 in the morning and flying 15 hours and 55 minutes to Dubai than having a 2 hour and 25 minute layover and than flying to Nairobi! I can't wait to step off that plane at Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta Int'l Airport at 7:05pm. It has become all too real since purchasing my ticket. I am beyond blessed to have this amazing opportunity. I am excited to go and be a servant no matter the need. I cannot wait meet the kids that I will teach in my class! I cannot wait to see Faith! I cannot wait to smell the unique yet familiar smell of Masii. It's funny how God reminds us of who He has called us to be in the small stuff in our lives. This morning I was brushing my teeth and completely taking for granted that I could (and automatically did) use the water straight from the sink, and suddenly realized that in about 77 days I won't be able to do that (well not that I CAN'T but I definitely shouldn't). This week has been different than other weeks since beginning my journey to my adventure, this week it has really hit me that I am going alone, I am stepping on that plane alone and stepping off in another country just as alone as I was when I got on, that makes me feel just a little nervous. I have known many people to go and do this short of thing by themselves but for me, this will be very new and a little scary. Living in the calling that God has for my life even though I am a little scared is better than living outside of the calling and not having the ability (because of stubbornness) to cry out to God. And the best part of this entire trip, is that I AM NOT GOING ALONE, I am going with God and He is taking me to exactly to where I need to go precisely when I need to be there! I know that in these next 76 days there will be days that I feel completely stoked and some days where fear may take over, in the end I know that God is there. He is there because He is the one sending me! It's funny how when we live in the will of God, He places everything perfectly, when we listen to His call in our lives, life doesn't seem to be so messed up. I know that there will be hard stuff, but the hard stuff doesn't seem so hard when I know I can rest in the fact that GOD IS 100% IN CONTROL EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, there is nothing He cannot do and I know that everything is going to work out. This whole idea may seem crazy but it's true! He has already paved a way for me! I cannot wait for these next 76 days to drag on as I prepare to have my world turned upside down for the good of the Kingdom! 

(Whether or not He is giving you what you want or sending you somewhere to do His will, HE IS STILL GOOD!)

"After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves." John 10:1-3 


1 comment:

  1. as of right now it is 73 degrees in Machakos. :]

    just some encouragement! :]
