happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to Emily
happy birthday to you.
Over this past weekend I was sang this song twice in person, twice over the phone and once over a text message. "Happy birthday"...what an interesting idea. Shouldn't I already be happy? I lived through another year of life, got to life out my hearts' biggest desire and live in Africa for three months, and on and on and on. I could sit here and name every single thing that I was blessed by and am happy for as I turn 22 and reflect on my 21st year of life.
Birthdays have always, I MEAN always, been a HUGE deal in the Hoverson House, we have ALWAYS had some sort of birthday party and always a birthday blessing. This past weekend I spent the weekend with my grandma, we had a wonderful time and I really enjoyed it. Today, on my actual birthday, I drove home, I raced home because I wanted to watch two shows on tv tonight. As I drove home, I thought alot about my life and mostly about Africa (as always). I am grateful to have spent 3 months there and do exactly what the Lords called me to.
As I sat in my car, in traffic, so tired and so exhausted, I begin to cry. This birthday has been SO weird, my birthday has always been a big deal for me, its the one day out of the year where I feel like everyone is nice to be and everyone "hopes I have a great day". But today, I felt sadden as wonderful and blessed I am to have spent it with my family, there are only school full of children I would give my left arm to spend not only my birthday but my every single day with them.
Today was a rough day for me, well mostly just because of the idea that I blew out 3 candles (one on three separate desserts I had) and I think it's safe to say we all know what I wished. Through that though I think its also safe to say that even if I didnt wish it on my birthday candles it will still happen.
Today I turned 22 years old and realized that every single day when I wake up I want to be back in Masii and I never ever want to leave and I realized that I have been expecting for that feeling to lessen as I spend more time here in the US, oh how I am quit wrong about that. Its not so much a feeling as a fact, I miss my home and there isnt a day that goes by that will make it feel less than that, rather it will only make it stronger.
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