Tomorrow, Faith has to go back to boarding school. Since the teachers strike messed up this term for them, they have to stay all of August instead of coming home that month. All in all, this means TODAY is the last day that I get to see Faith until the next time that I come to Kenya. This is a hard fact to face. It's hard because she is my "person", my best friend, the most constant thing in my life, the one who makes days better, and the person who has really shown me what it looks like to love another person.
I knew that today would be heard but this morning I decided that I wouldn't cry (at least not in front of Faith), but really to enjoy every minute. But really, who was I kidding?! I am a total crier.
Last week, Faith and I got matching skirts made from fabric that SHE picked out. And today was the day we would wear them, and boy was I excited! (Sarah and Mary also got matching skirts)
This morning, when she arrived at church, I went out to meet her (SHE LOOKED SO CUTE IN HER SKIRT!). I hugged her for a long time and eventually we went inside to listen to my dad preach the sermon. When second service was over, I turned to leave (holding Faith's hand) but I paused, I could feel something was wrong. I turned to look at Faith and she has huge alligator tears rolling down her sweet cheeks. I took her hand and rushed outside behind the church, while figuring out what the "mature" and "adult" way to react to this would be. As we got outside, I realized I was milliseconds away from bawling my eyes out. I hugged Faith as tight as I could, realizing that at this point she is crying so hard that she is sobbing and shaking. At this point, I feel so bad but yet I realize how different this time, this time that we are parting if different from the other times.
I have always ached with sadness as I have had to leave Faith many times. But THIS time, she is feeling the aching, and I know how she is feeling and I wish I could take that from her!
For all of the third service, we sat outside, together, our feet hanging over the edge of a wall, laughing, talking, and huggin on each other. I am SO thankful for this time that we get to spend time by ourselves.
After church, Mary (Faiths sister), Faith, and Sarah and I all went into my room and spent time together and watched movies. We watched Toy Story, Lion King, and Cinderella. (Watching Lion King was THE BEST IDEA EVER, they loved it!)
Its hard to see the person you love, in pain. It's hard to see that person cry, and feel like its your fault. I am so thankful for Jesus' grace that allows us to LOVE and MISS other people. I love Faith so much and I miss her every day that we are not together.
Saying goodbye to Faith does NOT get easier, rather is gets harder as she grows up and begins to understand more and more of how much we mean to each other and how far away I actually am. I am so thankful for her and all she has taught me. Please pray for her as she goes back to school tomorrow.
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