Today was my day with Pastor William and Pastor James. I am
so grateful for my time with them. I met them at the church office, and Pastor
William said we would be visiting people. He said down with me an explained
further what we would be doing. We would be going to people and business’ to
see if we can set up a day with them to come and pray or talk with them about
Jesus. “We must bring the church to the people. We cannot wait for them to come
on Sundays. These people need Jesus and we must bring it to them. These people
are in the schools, the businesses, and the banks.” this how Pastor described
what we would be doing, so incredible!
First we went to KWF, Kenya Women’s Finance (I think). This
is a place where women can come and get a loan for a business. They were very
receptive to us coming and inviting Jesus into their business. Next we went to
Masii Township, another primary school in Masii. I love this school, this is
the school Faith used to go to. At this school, they were very eager to have us
come and we are going back on Friday!! Next we walked 3km (1 ½ miles) to
Mwangaza, I came to this school last year and I love it. This time we talked
with the principal, whom I met last time. She was very excited to have us come
back next Wednesday and do a morning devotional with her students. During my
time at Mwangaza we also prayed for a girl who was very mentally sick. Her name
is Cecilia, please continue to pray for her.
Today while praying for Cecilia, it was hard. She is very sick and everyone is worried. She was crying and I could almost feel her hurt. Her mother was there and was taking her home.
It's hard to walk away from something like that and assume that doing something like coming to Africa, is somehow about you. As cliche as it is, its true that being here reminds you about how little you are and how big God is. Sometimes we come across things that remind us that we serve a big God who can do far more than we can imagine. Jesus did not heal her when I laid hands on her, because its not time. I have learned that before and I know that now, but its still painful to see someone in that much pain, to sit there with pastors and teachers and parents around, almost staring at her like a leper, feeling as small as a bug. My heart ached and I choked back tears, as I begged Jesus to take her pain away and not mine. I prayed that she would be renewed in her mind and in her heart and remember who Jesus is.
Today was hard, not because of anything to do with me, but rather with Cecilia. This girl was hurting and longing for the pain to go away. There is no one person who can pray away the pain, but only Jesus can take it away. Today I was once again reminded of how small I really am, but also how BIG God is, and I am so thankful for the small ways in which He chooses to use me.