This may just be the hardest post I have ever written,
simply because it will be the most raw and may be read as borderline
complaining. There is something that is hard to talk about not knowing fully
who will read this, and even hard to talk to my own family about. The natural
response to most will be to “trust Jesus”, but sometimes that’s easier said
than done.
It’s a hard thing to admit that being in the place that your
heart has longed for for 10 months, the place the Gods called you to, that in
this place is where you feel the most alone.
I am an introvert. I don’t mind being alone, I don’t feel
the constant need to be around others, and I thrive on cultivating one-on-one
relationships. As an introvert, the most frustrating feeling to have is the
feeling of being alone. This very feeling goes against my very nature as an
I have been here for just 5 days, and yet they have felt
like the longest days of my life, and not in the best way. I have said that
being here by myself is a completely different experience than being here with
a team but truly that is an understatement.
One of my favorite things to go back in Chino is to drive
around in my car and listen to music really loud, or to simply walk around
Target staring at all the things I don’t really need but love to look at.
Except I enjoy doing this because I am creating room to spend time alone and in
my own head.
Here, it’s hard to want to do anything alone, because well,
I do so many things alone. Every day I wake up in my room alone, I eat
breakfast alone, I walk to school alone, I walk to church alone, (at night) I
watch movies (on my computer) alone, I do all of these things alone. Yes, I am
waking up and walking to school and being around people who are certainly
family yet there will always be this heaviness that ways on my heart as I
remember that I certainly am the “odd ball” of the current situation.
These past few days I have definitely woken up, feeling
overwhelmingly alone. I hate that because it feels as though I am letting
everyone down because I simply don’t want to be alone. I hate that this is even
a problem that I am facing.
The ironic thing about being an introvert and feeling alone,
is that when I come to a place where I surround myself with others, it becomes
too overwhelming and I want to go back to my room and sleep (my own personally
coping thing) but I can’t and I won’t. Instead,
I will wake up, crawl out of my mosquito net, eat breakfast, get dressed, and
go on with my day because THAT is what God’s called me to do. Does that make it
any easier? Not necessarily, learning to lean into Jesus is something I have to
experience every single day and some days its hard and some days its easy,
these past few days have been hard. I pray that as I continue through this
adventure of living in this place I love more than anywhere else, I am see how
much it truly is NOT about me and how even being alone in my room can be a time
for glorifying Jesus with my thoughts as I press into Him even more.
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