Thursday, July 5, 2012


Well it has definitely been a busy week, last week! Monday I helped in the TIO office, Tuesday I was at school, Wednesday I helped with Pastor and Maggy at the church office (and we had cell group at Esther and Kelvin's house!!! it was incredible!), Thursday was school, and Friday I helped in the TIO office again and I also got to go with Pastor and Maggy to Faith's mum's house to mourn the loss of Faith's step sister. Friday night was Kesha, which was amazing (like last time!here is the blog for that one: ), we had fasted from Wednesday to Friday and broke our fast by drinking chai. Saturday morning, I got home at 6 am and went to bed around 7 am and slept until 10 am (yeah, 3 hours), then I went with Pastor and Maggy to "the Show" in Machakos (picture like the OC fair on Kenyan budget, it was interesting!), then we went to a graduation party (congratulations Nancy Joel!). Sunday was a little different, we only had one service from 9 am to noon, and it was all prayer and worship, it was amazing! On Sunday, the church also dedicated a field for the children, there was games and fun! After church, I went to Pastor's house and made lunch with Maggy, I loved this time we got to spend just the two of us, cooking, laughing, and talking, I loved it! Then at 4, there was Bridge Girders (MCC youth) at Shammah Hotel! It was all so great. I am thankful for the time spent with people who I now call family.

Last night I went to sleep ready for this week, but that was definitely NOT how I woke up. Today I woke up feeling SO sick. Many times in the past 6 months, I have gotten headaches so bad that I get a stomach ache and sometimes throw up (gross! SORRY!). I never know what the issue is but pray that it doesnt come back. Today I woke up with a bad headache and stomach ache. I knew it was nothing I ate, yet I could barely get out of bed. I moaned as I attempted to get up. I took some aspirin and slept a little longer. Then I realized, OBVIOUSLY I am getting sick. I have not taken a breather or a break in about 6 days! Jesus created us to rest, (His day was Sunday) yet sometimes our schedule doesn't allow it, or rather WE dont allow it. Today I spent some time with Lord and realized that there was an aching on my heart to simply spend a long amount of time in His presence in silence, not in praying for reading but just silence. I did and it was beautiful.  Jesus is too good to us. He captured our hearts and allows for moments of rest and peace. He hold our hearts in His hands, always but even more when we are exhausted.

Thank you Jesus for giving me moments of rest, when I need it most.
You are good.
You are holy.
You are perfect.

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