Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today was…silly. (for lack of a better word)

Today, I woke up late for school. Upon waking up I remembered that I needed to get some stuff done for my loans for going back to school in the fall. This made me a bit frazzled (mostly because I didn’t know what I was doing and money stresses me out).  I texted a teacher at school to let her know I would be a few minutes late. Then after trying to figure it all out for a while, I realized I was an hour and a half late to school! (Goodness gracious!) I still went to school but my heart was still a bit frazzled, mostly just excited anxiety for going back to Point Loma in the fall. As I walked to school and arrived just as break time was starting; I was bombarded with P R E C I O U S 1st graders, who LOVE to tug on my arms and rub my arm hair. I was once again reminded of the faithfulness of Jesus’ JOY.

JOY is my second most favorite word in the English language (first being BELOVED, another time another post!), simply because you can’t even SAY the word without thinking of something/someone that brings you immense joy.

according to
Joy means the emotion of great delight caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying
Happiness means pleasure or contentment

I was watching a tv show here recently where a preacher was talking about joy vs happiness. He said “HAPPINESS IS OUTWARD AND CONDITIONAL, JOY IS INTERNAL AND UNCONDITIONAL”. He continued by adding that “WHEN I CHOOSE JESUS, I AM ALSO CHOOSING JOY”.

As I got to school today, I realized that I never want my thankfulness, joy, and peace in being in Masii to be tainted by how I am momentarily feeling.  There have been days that I have been here, and completely ruined a perfectly good day because I was anxious or frustrated about something happenings 9,000 away that I could do absolutely nothing about.

Something that I think that the tv preacher didn’t press about what LEARNING to have JOY, I think that they statement “when I choose Jesus, I am also choosing joy”, should also imply that like choosing Jesus, choosing joy is a daily cross that we pick up. So maybe “joy is internal (AND external) and unconditional (and renewing each day).

So, today, CHOOSE JOY…
And if you need help, here is a little of my joy to share with you! 

Monday, June 24, 2013


So this past weekend, I got the incredible privilege to be apart of a weekend crusade at a near by school.On Saturday there was ALOT of singing and dancing, I shared my testimony, about 30 students gave their lives to the Lord and we watched the Passion of the Christ outside under the stars! On Sunday, we worshiped alot, had a panel that answered questions they had, and danced alot!

I dont have the words to explain how incredible this weekend was, and I want to honor it by not diminshing it with my small words. So here are pictures and video from each day!



Praise the Lord! what a beautiful weekend! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Masii Academy Parents Day!

Today was parents day at Masii Academy. It was so wonderful! A big dark cloud covered the whole day, and I sat in a 3 hour parent meeting, but my students are wonderful and I loved meeting their parents! 
here are ALL the pictures I took today!