Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well, the team left yesterday. Today, I decided that I would “sleep in” and relax, which actually turned into waking up at 6:45 and being busy all morning (visiting the women of WE care, going to the clinic, and the market) and doing laundry all afternoon. Needless to say, my “eventful” plans for the day had been squashed.

I just got off the phone with my grandma Kathy, I am so thankful for the times that I get to talk to her and I am only able to express half of how I am feeling but she understands even the things I don’t say. Which in return has now helped me to write this random entry of a blog post. 

Today, I have felt every emotion possible, or at least it sure feels like it.
I felt happy because I got to hold baby Jessica for a few hours.
I felt frustrated because the soap wasn’t coming out of the clothes as I was hand washing them today.
I felt joyful because I am so blessed to be here.
I felt anxious because I was alone in my room.
I felt lonely because our team left yesterday.
I felt thankful when I got to talk with my grandma on the phone.
I felt mad when my internet bundles ran out.
I felt relieved when I looked up my flight home and realized that I get to have two check-in bags.
I felt jealous when the teams here were all playing cards together, wishing that our team was here.
Most deeply, I think that I am feeling guilty because I am grateful that I am going home in 16 days. Not because I don’t like it here. But because of the growth I have experienced over the past year, I have spent the last few months really feeing and carrying the hurt of others, here in Masii.

These may not be all the emotions in existence but definitely more than one person should handle in just one day.

In short, I am going to sleep VERY exhausted tonight, simply from feeling so much today.
This is NOT complaining but rather a recognition (that I am sharing with you) of my feelings.

I pray, that as I wake up tomorrow that I will be renewed through the strength and joy of Jesus. I am so thankful that even after having an “off” day, Jesus continues to bless me with another day to bring glory to His name. 

(I also pray that the teams here don't think I am unfriendly or antisocial, since I didn't spend much time with them today)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Faith (again!)

Today was a really hard day for me.

Tomorrow, Faith has to go back to boarding school. Since the teachers strike messed up this term for them, they have to stay all of August instead of coming home that month. All in all, this means TODAY is the last day that I get to see Faith until the next time that I come to Kenya. This is a hard fact to face. It's hard because she is my "person", my best friend, the most constant thing in my life, the one who makes days better, and the person who has really shown me what it looks like to love another person.

I knew that today would be heard but this morning I decided that I wouldn't cry (at least not in front of Faith), but really to enjoy every minute. But really, who was I kidding?! I am a total crier.

Last week, Faith and I got matching skirts made from fabric that SHE picked out. And today was the day we would wear them, and boy was I excited! (Sarah and Mary also got matching skirts)

This morning, when she arrived at church, I went out to meet her (SHE LOOKED SO CUTE IN HER SKIRT!). I hugged her for a long time and eventually we went inside to listen to my dad preach the sermon. When second service was over, I turned to leave (holding Faith's hand) but I paused, I could feel something was wrong. I turned to look at Faith and she has huge alligator tears rolling down her sweet cheeks. I took her hand and rushed outside behind the church, while figuring out what the "mature" and "adult" way to react to this would be. As we got outside, I realized I was milliseconds away from bawling my eyes out. I hugged Faith as tight as I could, realizing that at this point she is crying so hard that she is sobbing and shaking. At this point, I feel so bad but yet I realize how different this time, this time that we are parting if different from the other times.

I have always ached with sadness as I have had to leave Faith many times. But THIS time, she is feeling the aching, and I know how she is feeling and I wish I could take that from her!

For all of the third service, we sat outside, together, our feet hanging over the edge of a wall, laughing, talking, and huggin on each other. I am SO thankful for this time that we get to spend time by ourselves.

After church, Mary (Faiths sister), Faith, and Sarah and I all went into my room and spent time together and watched movies. We watched Toy Story, Lion King, and Cinderella. (Watching Lion King was THE BEST IDEA EVER, they loved it!)

Its hard to see the person you love, in pain. It's hard to see that person cry, and feel like its your fault. I am so thankful for Jesus' grace that allows us to LOVE and MISS other people. I love Faith so much and I miss her every day that we are not together.

Saying goodbye to Faith does NOT get easier, rather is gets harder as she grows up and begins to understand more and more of how much we mean to each other and how far away I actually am. I am so thankful for her and all she has taught me. Please pray for her as she goes back to school tomorrow.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pauline Mwende

Well, as most people read in a blog post a few days ago, my sister and I together sponsored a little girl named Musengya. Little did we know that she was already sponsored, the office was simply trying to get a hold of the donor, but she already payed for a few months. We found out this morning, and for me, it automatically felt like I got punched in the chest, simply because it was overwhelming. I had fallen in love, posted on facebook, wrote a blog and told EVERYONE about Musengya. It was hard, at first. After we were told, my sister and I went into my room to talk. I knew what she was going to say, she said, "I think that we should sponsor our kids alone." THAT felt overwhelming, also, simply because I was SO excited to do this with my sister. She left, and I cried, alot. I actually got in the shower in attempts to stop crying. I wasn't sure why I was crying, I just knew I was sad. 

I was sad because I already fell in love with Musengya. 
I was sad because I wanted to do it with my sister. 
I was sad because I already felt like Musengya was OURS. 

As I stood in the shower, with soap running in my eyes (another reason to cry), I heard the Lord say "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 Then I realized, how blessed I am! What an incredible thing to be able to bless Musengya, have her already be sponsored and GET to sponsor two other kids (since my sister and I aren't doing it together). 

As we drove away on the bus, I was informed that we would be visiting my new girl this afternoon. I all of a sudden became SO nervous! We had to go to the store (where I got some stuff for her) and then came back to the hotel, so when we came back I got together some extra stuff we had, to give her. 

I finally got to meet her! 
She lives in Machakos, which is a bit nicer than Masii but still rough. 

Her name is Pauline Mwende Rabecca (yes HOW cute that we have the same Kamba name!)
She is 9. and in class 3. 

She is beautiful and I am so thankful that I get to sponsor her. 
Even just through this experience today, she has taught me about Jesus' faithfulness even when I can't feel it. I may not have anywhere to live when I get back to Point Loma, but I will be able to blessed a girl all the way in Kenya with food, protection, care, and school fees. 

I am thankful because I already fallin in love with Pauline
I am thankful because I can afford to do it alone. 
I am thankful because Pauline is mine. :) 


Its funny because Sarah later pointed out how, we agreed that we would only sponsor Musengya together until we could both (comfortably) afford to sponsor someone separately. She brought up how, THAT has happened, it just happened WAY sooner than we planned, and it wont necessarily be a "comfortable" sacrifice but it is a choice to give out of our hearts and not out of our abundance. I am so thankful for Jesus' grace when my emotions fail me. 

Here is a picture of Sarah and her girl, Faith. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

mosquito nets

Facts about mosquito nets:
-Mosquito nets can be made from cottonpolyethylenepolyesterpolypropylene, or nylon
-The size of the netting should be big enough to fit around the person inside the netting without it touching them
- It is said that Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt slept under a mosquito net.
-Mosquito nets do reduce air flow to an extent and sleeping under a net is hotter than sleeping without one, which can be uncomfortable in tropical areas without air-conditioning.
-There is such a thing as treated mosquito nets, which help further reduce the chance of getting bit by mosquitoes.
-You do, in fact, feel like a princess while sleeping under one! (ok, not fact, just my opinion)
For the last month or so, I have been thinking, praying, and saving money to be able to buy 60 mosquito nets for 350 shillings each (which equals 21,000 shillings, which equals ABOUT $215). I had been waiting for today, for awhile, simply because I had been thinking about it (practically obsessing about it) for what felt like forever. 

Today came! 

We left this morning and picked up the mosquito nets from Machakos (which is completely out of our way from the school). As I saw the man come out of the store, with a GIANT bag filled with mosquito nets, I began to realize what was about to happen. 

As we drove back through Masii, and then finally on the road to Wamunyu, I tried to think about something else, like how excited I was for EACH person in the bus to experience this BEAUTIFUL school for the first time ever. 

I LOVE this school. I fell in love with them the first time I ever came last year. The teachers are so courageous and gracious. The students are so joyful and hopeful. 

As we drove through the familiar (to me) blue gates and the (surprisingly) newly painted sign, I became overwhelmingly joyful in my heart. Once again, being reminded of how truly extraordinary it is that I get to be here and love on the people here. 

We filed out of the bus, and into the office where we did introductions, then we got a tour and then we listened to the beautiful melodies of their voices. Honestly by this point, I had almost forgotten about my surprise because I was so overwhelmed with simply being there! 

Finally, we got the mosquito nets out of the bus. I was nervous because I really did not know how it would all go over. (would they even like them?! would they understand?! would they care?!) As I was sitting there, I needed to give it to the Lord because it was a gift and their reactions were simply unimportant because I KNOW they needed them. 

As Pastor William presented the nets to them, he explained that I bought them as a gift to them (and so on and so forth). It was so neat to be filled with joy because of giving in the name of Jesus. Then we were able to pass one mosquito net out to EACH student. It was so incredible to SEE each student hold up a simple mosquito net with so much pride! 

I originally wanted to hang up ALL of the mosquito nets BUT due to both American and Kenyan stubbornness, the hanging up of the nets became harder than it needed to be. Yet, we DID hang up mosquito nets for an entire row of beds in the girls dorm. There were so many wonderful things that happened as these were being hung up, that it definitely outweighed the other stuff. One of my favorite things about the mosquito nets is that they are BLUE!!! They are SO gorgeous!! The BEST part of the WHOLE day was when the girls ran in and screamed and giggled as they kicked off their shoes and jumped in their beds under the mosquito nets. It was SO fun to sit under the mosquito nets with the girls and laugh with them, as they were filled with joy at their new nets. 

Its funny, how I totally forgot that we were even at a mentally handicapped school. Its so easy to have happen when each student was filled with so much joy, confidence, and grace that they were showing US what it looked like to be a joyful child of God. 

As we were leaving, everyone from our team (ok maybe just Dad, Mom, Rick, and Sarah), were saying good job and thank you and you are awesome, because of what I did. Its funny to me because I totally did NOT see it that way. Actually, I felt so blessed by the Lord to be given this beautiful opportunity to be able to give something to simple, that will in fact help these children from getting malaria. I am so incredibly blessed to be able to share what I have and give to others. 

please enjoy these BEAUTIFUL pictures from today 
(THANK YOU Sarah!)


the beds on just ONE side of the dorm

this is what chaos looks like 

they are a beautiful BLUE color! 

right after I heard Vicky yell "Mwende, COME", I jumped onto her bed under her NEW mosquito net with her


THIS is Vicky. She is a "street kid" from Masii Christian Chapel, who lives at Wamunyu Disability school, but she goes to and boards at another school. (because the teachers are on strike, she is currently living at this school since she has no where else to go) I met Vicky last year, and I fell in love (I know, surprising, right?!). She is 10 years old and in class three and when she grows up she wants to be a doctor , like Dr. Stanley Mutunga. 

Friday, July 5, 2013


After a month and a half of fibbing (& feeling SO bad), last night (July 4) I successfully surprised the team when they got to the airport in Nairobi. I was so excited, I wanted to scream! It was so great to see my dad walk out first and have him yell "HEY ITS EMILY!". I am SO glad it was a surprise! It was so neat to be able to have that time with the team before coming to Masii on Friday.

On Thursday night, we stayed at HEART (an organization in Nairobi, that works with WEEP centers and Community Transformers). WEEP centers, are places in which women live, and can earn a living doing some sort of craft, while being HIV+. Community Transformers, are a group of people who live in the Mathari slum. They "work" in this slum, they are the TRUE heroes of the universe (for lack of a better description). They travel INTO the slums, and take care of the weak, the sick, and the dying. They give when they have nothing, and their hearts are kingdom minded.

Then after that, we drove to Machakos and went to the supermarket and have some samosas! Finally we came closer to (my) home. Even though I was only gone for about 24 hours, I was so excited to come back to Masii!! Then we unpacked all the stuff, and went to our rooms to sort it all out. Then we had dinner and worked on our bible study.

It was truly a great day!
I am so happy that these WONDERFUL people are here!

Dad with Nick, the guy who started Community Transformers! (He saw a need, and is filling it by being the hands and feet of Jesus every single day)

We had the humbling opportunity to wash the feet of the Community Transformers team. 
They are doing INCREDIBLE things for the kingdom! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


They have officially left!!! I cannot wait for each of these people to be here!!! 
Pray for them as they fly. Flying here is next to brutal but blessed that its something we can do! 
Pray for them as they go to Dubai, that may have fun and take in all the humidity they can (eewwww!)
Pray for them as they land in Nairobi, that they may get through customs ok (no worries, its a breeze, just your heart pounding from excitement and your stomach still turning from flying, that is hard) 
Pray for these 11 people, who have said YES to this certain call on their life. 
Pray that they may be able to take each day as it comes, and to search the people here as best as they can! 

Thank you, Jesus for these people and their lives! 
(THANK YOU to whoever took these pictures, I think mom, Rick, and Pastor Mike)

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10